Monday, May 11, 2009

Hello, Little Blog!

I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI promise to love you and type words on you forever and ever, until I loose interest...

So, I'm not new to blogs. I have abandoned two poor little blogs over the last 3 years.

But I am new to Blogger. Since I already have a gmail account, I found it very easy to set up this blog. I'm also impressed with the improvements to WYSIWYG technology in the last year and a half since I last spent any real time using a blog ^_^ Since I've never learned html, cute buttons that let me do fun things easily always makes me happy.

Anyway, I appreciate the opportunity to spend some time with technology that I wouldn't really use otherwise--which is why I am participating in 23 Things.

-Megan Fogt, CLP - Squirrel Hill


  1. Hurray! Love the pic, too. Can't wait to see what other witty, wonderful things you come up with...

    (and yes, blogging has changed SO much!)


  2. Your pic rocks, Megan! Yay for Wysiwygs! Maybe now that blogger has gotten a bit easier you'll stick with it? I too have abandoned personal blogs, but I've stuck with the youth services one. Nothing like work to keep me meeting deadlines!

  3. I think in the end, I never feel like I really have much to say. One past blog morphed into commentaries about books I had read recently, but really Goodreads is easier, so the poor blog faded away.
