Monday, May 11, 2009

Hello, Little Blog!

I Like this quote I dislike this quoteI promise to love you and type words on you forever and ever, until I loose interest...

So, I'm not new to blogs. I have abandoned two poor little blogs over the last 3 years.

But I am new to Blogger. Since I already have a gmail account, I found it very easy to set up this blog. I'm also impressed with the improvements to WYSIWYG technology in the last year and a half since I last spent any real time using a blog ^_^ Since I've never learned html, cute buttons that let me do fun things easily always makes me happy.

Anyway, I appreciate the opportunity to spend some time with technology that I wouldn't really use otherwise--which is why I am participating in 23 Things.

-Megan Fogt, CLP - Squirrel Hill